In the previous articles i told you about 8 different ways to increase blog traffic. This was series post and it's last post of the series. In this post i will tell you about 4 different ways to increase blog traffic.
Series on Blog Traffic
T12 Ways To Increase Blog Traffic-1
T12 Ways To Increase Blog Traffic-2
T12 Ways To Increase Blog Traffic-3
9. Choose Best Keywords
You can increase your blog traffic by choosing best keywords. You can use Google Adwords keyword tool. Choose long tail words. Choose the word that have more searches but less competition. The more unique words you will choose the more the unique visitors you will get.
10. Advertise with Google Adwords/facebook
11.Video Posting
Video posting is one of the best method to increase blog traffic. Explain some of the things with video. Upload that video to youtube and give channel link on your blog. Embed that video with your posts. You will receive traffic from youtube also if you mention your blog in description. This is another way you can increase blog traffic.
12. Search Engine Optimization
Make your blog friendly for search engine. Avoid from long titles for your post. Title must not exceed more than 70 characters. Remove duplicate meta description from your blog. There must be an equality in internal and external links. These are some basic things through which you can increase your blog traffic.
This was series post. I hope you all like this. If you face any problem do mention in comments. If you like, get subscribe to get more updates right into your mail box. That's all for today. Have a Nice Day.
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