Have you ever visited any website that takes too much time for loading? There is no problem with that website. Its all due to it's high page size that includes high quality images and other multimedia and javascript files. Image files greatly effects performance of your blog if they are not well optimized. There are so many tools avaliable online that reduces your file size and but i will teach you about one of the basic tool. It will not take your much to upload your file and the to download. You can manually control all of your requirements. Its an awesome tool. Friends it's Micrsoft office pictu tool.
Some bloggers who directly add image to their blog post and make it small, large or of any size using blogger given option usually they don't get any benefit instead they are increasing load time to their blog posts. So it's very essential to reduce file size online or by using Microsoft tool. Lets see below how we can reduce image size and pixels.
You first need to have office. Download any image from net or if you already have you can use that image.
Below i will guide you how to reduce size and pixels of any image. Bloggers usually need 200×200 size image. You can easily reduce file size and pixels using this tool.
Some bloggers who directly add image to their blog post and make it small, large or of any size using blogger given option usually they don't get any benefit instead they are increasing load time to their blog posts. So it's very essential to reduce file size online or by using Microsoft tool. Lets see below how we can reduce image size and pixels.
You first need to have office. Download any image from net or if you already have you can use that image.
Reducing Size of image
Here i am using 1MB size of image. It is 1920×1080. I will resize and you will see the results.
Follow below steps.
1. OPen your Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Select any Image file that you want use in between your posts.
2. Select edit picture. Side pan will open and you will see different options.
4. Select Compress pictures. You will prompot to next step.
5. Now select webpages and click on ok. This option will automatically reduces your image size that is best for your website. [My 1MB file size was converted to 68kb file.]
6. Now click on save option and give path to save file. Remenber this must not replace your original image file if you want to use that else where.
Now this is done but if you want to manually resize your image and its size you can do that.
7. Go back and select Resize option. You can resize your image by percentage of original or by entering manual size.
8. Go back and you will see another option crop. Using this option you can crop your image.
There are also some other options you can use them in your own way.
This option is simple for reducing image size. You can also use Photoshop or anyother online tool.
This is all for today. Using this tool your webpages speed will never be slows down. Google bot like those pages who loads fast. It will keep those pages for first page of Google. You can also say that Image optimization is part of SEO. Hope you have liked my tutorial. Get subscribed to get daily updates and don't hesitate to give comments. Have a Nice Day.
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