Add META tag and Description to your Blog | How To Blog

Monday, November 7, 2011

Add META tag and Description to your Blog

After giving a suitable title to your blog the first and important thing is adding META tag and description to your blog. Like title, Meta tag and description is also very important. It is basically about all of things in your blog or you can say that summary of your blog. It includes what you will post in future and what you have posted till now. The impact of META tag and description is very important in indexing Google results. Here I am showing an example how MEAT tag and description looks like in Google search results and what is impact its impact on visitor.

The first line(in blue) shows META tag and 2nd line(in green) shows web URL(address) and 3rd and 4th line(in Black) shows blog description. This is searched result of Google by entering different key words. So from here you have now fully understood why this is so important.

Now I will tell you how to change or enter META tag and Blog Description?

First thing you need to do is to keep all the things in mind so that during entering you will not forget anyone. So making up mind is essential. Now I will explain you step by step procedure.


(2):-Choose your blog and select Templates from dropdown menu.

(3):-Now click on edit HTML and you will move to next step.

(4):-Select Proceed and you will see HTML code blocks open.

(5):-Now select the text as shown in image below.

(6):-Now compare this image with the above shown result and fill in the same manner.

(7):-Inside title write about your blog that what’s its all about.

(8):-And in meta content write and include all the things your blog have .

(9):-Now your blog is ready for new look and with new description in google search results.

(10):-Just save by clicking on save Template and view your blog in google results.

Google shows this change (automatically) may be after day or after some hours. So don’t wait for it.If you want to see whats your Title and meta tag description go to this URL

and just enter your blog URL and result will be displayed. If you like my posts please give me some response. Will come back again tomorrow with some new ideas and will bring new things for you.

Update 24/9/2012 

This website is no longer online.

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